A Terrific Annual Trunk or Treat

On October 28, EWG continued their tradition of hosting their spookiest event of the year, the Trunk or Treat!

Hosted by the Junior Class Council, the Trunk or Treat is a community event to celebrate Halloween, and to allow for trick or treating in a safer, but just as packed with activities, way. For the spooky night, the Junior Class Council invited people from the community to decorate their vehicles and to pass out candy to trick or treaters. This event is both a fan favorite in the EWG community and is one of the Junior Class’s biggest fundraisers of the year.

“Also, for some kids, this is the only trick-or-treating they will experience, and I wanted to help make it special.”

Junior Bryan Jones, Winner of the “My Favorite Trunk” contest during this year’s Trunk or Treat.

A lot of planning went into this event. Mr. Walsh commented, “A great deal of logistical planning goes into every aspect: creating a music playlist, seeking donations, gathering children’s games, organizing materials, and recruiting help from the junior class.” This year, they were able to bring in 32 trunks, including one decorated school bus.

From 5 to 8 pm, loads of children flooded the Senior High Parking lot to start their night. Upon arrival, the Junior Class handed out glow sticks to the children, and even though they came prepared with a bulk 300 glow sticks, they were no match for the approximate grand amount of 500 students that attended the event.

Besides just trick or treating, there was also a variety of food for the participants to enjoy. There was free apple cider available, baked goods, as well as local donuts. The donuts were generously contributed by the Allie’s Donuts company and were sold to raise money for the Junior Class. Also available for purchase was apparel, including EWG themed baseball caps, lanyards, and mystery bags.

Guests were able to participate in other events as well. Little kids could paint their very own pumpkin, and all ages could enjoy voting for the best trunk in the “My Favorite Trunk” contest. The winner of this contest was the senior high’s very own Bryan Jones, grade 11, who won a $50 Amazon gift card. Jones’s car, in addition to regular decorations, featured dry ice to add to the spooky feel of the night. Jones said that he had a fun time both at the event, and when he prepared the car with his brother.

Jones reflected on what the event meant to him, saying, “I remember going to them as a kid. Living in West Greenwich, I don’t have the opportunity to hand out candy to kids, and I wanted to make memorable experiences for the kids as well as myself. Also, for some kids, this is the only trick-or-treating they will experience, and I wanted to help make it special.”

When asked if he would participate again in future trunk-or-treats, Jones stated, “Yes, one-thousand percent. My brother even said he wanted to do it after I graduate. I’ve already started thinking of ideas for next year.”

Bryan Jones’s fully decorated, Halloween-themed car trunk. In the foreground, a black cauldron is present, which contained dry ice during the event to produce smoke.

Overall, the Trunk or Treat was, once again, a huge hit and the community, and a big success for the junior class.

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